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Java related Subjects

Locations List : Java



Yogyakarta (61 photos)
The famous Malioboro street.

Prambanan (287 photos)
Candi Lara Jonggrang, Candi Sewu, King Boko Palace.

Ramayana ballet (49 photos)
Javanese version of the Hindu epic performed in an open stage in the Prambanan temple complex.


Temple architecture (118 photos)
The great Buddhist stupa

The bas-reliefs (554 photos)
telling visually of the Buddhist scriptures about the life of Buddha

Candi Cetho

Cetho Temple (62 photos)
Hindu complex on the slopes of the Mount Lawu dedicated to ancient cult of fertility.

East Java

Candi Panataran (250 photos)
major temple complex and best preserved Hindu complex of East Java.

Gunung Kelud (23 photos)
located in East Java Kelud is known for large explosive eruptions throughout its history.

Mount Bromo (50 photos)
one of the most iconic panorama in Indonesia.

Online search for travel stock photo images of Indonesia Java Island, photos of Javanese Hindu temples, Prambanan, Candi Lara Jonggrang , Candi Sewu, Borobudur, Borobudur the bas-reliefs, Cetho Temple, Panataran. UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Ramayana ballet, Yogyakarta Malioboro.
The famous panoramic views of Bromo-Tengger-Semeru-National-Park, Gunung Kelud in East Java.

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