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cambodia related Subjects

Locations List : Cambodia


Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat (234 photos)
the largest and the best preserved of the monuments, more than 1000 m2 of bas-reliefs

Angkor Thom

the Gates (60 photos)
South Gate - Victory Gate

Bayon (225 photos)
the bas-reliefs

The Royal Square (53 photos)
the Terrace of the Elephants - the Terrace of the Leper King - Tep Pranam - Prah Palilay

Royal Palace Enclosure (40 photos)
Phimeanakas - Baphuon - Prasats Suor Prat - the Kleang - Prah Pithu

Monuments of the small circuit

Thommanon (31 photos)
well restored temple just outside the Victory Gate

Chau Say Tevoda (13 photos)
temple ruins close to Thommanon

Ta Keo (4 photos)
five levels pyramid with towers arranged in a quincunx

Ta Prohm (183 photos)
the most famous temple ruins merged with the jungle,

Banteay Kdei (73 photos)
the temple attached to the Ta Prohm

Srah Srang (147 photos)
elegant embarkation terrace

Prasat Kravan (13 photos)
five brick towers hiding inside sacred sculptures

Monuments of the grand circuit

Pre Rup (28 photos)
temple-mountain of laterite and brick

Eastern Mebon (42 photos)
a temple-mountain symbolising Mount Meru

Preah Khan (143 photos)
beautiful Buddhist temple ruins with a number of small shrines dedicated to Vishnu and Shiva

Neak Pean (15 photos)
a temple shrine on an island in the middle of a pool

Ta Som (68 photos)
four faces tower entwined within the roots of a giant Ficus tree

Monuments beyond the circuits

Banteay Srei (133 photos)
The women’s citadel

Banteay Samre (55 photos)
one of the finest monuments of the Angkor group

Beng Mealea (92 photos)
temple left in ruins covered by the vegetation
Kbal Spean (40 photos)
the river of the thousand lingam

Roulos Group

Bakong (90 photos)
the cosmic Mount Meru on five stepped terrace

Siem Reap

Siem Reap (43 photos)
the village of Angkor, from which most tourists fly in and out
Battambang (91 photos)
the Museum, the pagodas, the markets
Phnom Penh (169 photos)
the Royal Palace, the National Museum, the pagodas, the markets
Tonle Sap (195 photos)
the 'Great Lake'

Online search for travel stock photo images of Cambodia, photos of Angkor Temples, Angkor Wat, Bayon, Angkor Thom, Terrace of the Elephants - Terrace of the Leper King - Prah Palilay - Phimeanakas - Baphuon - Prasats Suor Prat - The Kleang - Prah Pithu - Thommanon - Chau Say Tevoda - Ta Keo - Ta Prohm - Banteay Kdei - Srah Srang - Prasat Kravan - Pre Rup - Ta Som - Neak Pean - Banteay Srei - Banteay Samre - Roluos Group - Bakong - Beng Mealea.

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