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Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 42 (clockwise), four armed figure mounted on two wheels and a mungoose. She holds a damaru on her right hand.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 37 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on a crow. She has a sword on her right hand. Note the intricate design of her cloths.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 36 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on a horned goat.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 35 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on a table. She wears a Mukuta.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 44 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on a lion. Note the curling hair.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 45 (clockwise), four armed figure mounted on a pot. There is a vase on her left.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 46 (clockwise) Kali, two armed figure mounting on a male body. She hold a trident. The male figure with a mukuta and the third eye is identified with Siva.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 47 (clockwise), two armed figure standing on lotus flowers. She wears a mukuta and she holds a naga pasha.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini beating a drum (n° 48 clockwise).


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 49 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on shell.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 50 (clockwise), four armed three headed figure standing on a book. She wears the sacred thread and the mukuta over her head.


Hirapur - the Sixtyfour Yoginis Temple, Yogini n° 51 (clockwise), two armed figure mounted on a cot. Note the long raised hears.


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