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Locations List : India : Orissa



Bhubaneswar (99 photos)
The city, the people, the sacred water tanks

Lingaraj Mandir (29 photos)
seen from the platform for the non-hindus visitors

Parsurameswar Mandir (59 photos)
the earliest best-preserved temple

Mukteswar Mandir (84 photos)
famous for its torana

Brahmesvara Mandir (33 photos)
Orissan style temple similar to Lingaraja

Vaital Deul Mandir (87 photos)
a Sakta temple built in kakhara style

Raja Rani Mandir (133 photos)
among the finest of the later temples

Ananta Vasudeva (18 photos)
Vishnu temple on the shore of Bindusagara

Chitrakarini Temple (66 photos)
in a gardened enclosure by the side of Lingaraja

Papanasini Kund (56 photos)
temples cluster around the tank nerby Lingaraja

Chausath Yoginis Temple (170 photos)
The sixty-four yoginis temple of Hirapur

Udaigiri & Khandagiri caves (204 photos)
rock-cut dwellings excavated by Jains monks

Dhauli (8 photos)
the Ashoka rock edict

Udayagiri Ratnagiri Lalitgiri

Udayagiri (201 photos)
a large stupa and two monastic complexes

Ratnagiri (120 photos)
with the famous beautiful carved chlorite doorway

Lalitgiri (11 photos)
a stupa at the hill-top with splendid views


Raghurajpur (218 photos)
Murals and traditional craft

Villages (189 photos)
Birapratapur, Narayanapur, Pipli, murals

Ramalila (75 photos)
popular performance in a small rural village nearby Puri.

Koraput (75 photos)
the temple of Jagannath cult and consciousness at Koraput. Brahmin ceremony. Village murals.


Puri (166 photos)
Jagannath Temple, Narendra Sagar, the beach, the fishing village. - Chilika lake


The sun temple (617 photos)
the bogha mandapa, the horses, the twelve pairs of great wheels, the sculptures of the platform, the Jagamohan, the Mayadevi temple, Navagrahas temple, the museum

Tribal Orissa

Chatikona market (186 photos)
Kondhas tribe. Tribal villages. Shiva temple.

Ankadeli market (97 photos)
Bonda Tribe.

Online search for travel stock photo images of Orissa India, photos of Religious Heritages of Orissa, Orissan temple architecture, Monuments and Archaeological Heritage of Orissa, Art and Craft Heritage of Orissa, Bhubaneshwar, Udayagiri Ratnagiri Lalitgiri, Puri, Raghurajpur, the Sun Temple, the Tribal Population.

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