Traveller Dreams - Sell Travel photos on line Traveller Dreams - Sell Travel photos on line

Stock Photography
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Stock Photography - Digital Images Licensing

When you by an image from us you purchase the right to use that image for:

- non-exclusive right
- worldwide single use

for  the following use:

- Editorial (Consumer Magazines, Daily Newspapers, Text and Trade Books, Supplements) 
- CD-ROM and off-line multimedia designs.

Please note that advertising use, commercial use and retail photo products (postcards, calendars, etc.) are not allowed.

Presented licensing fees are calculated upon the following table, different license can be negotiated as detailed in the second row of the table, please Contact Us asking for a custom price quote and detailing your requirements.




Print run

Presented fee

world wide

Editorial only


Note 1 

Possible negotiation

world wide

Editorial only

Note 2

Note 3

At the time of the purchase of the license you must specify:  intended use, media, territory and duration. You will designate also one specific named end-user of the image. Only your designated end-user may use the photo.
We have no restriction on who else we might sell it the same image. 

Note 1
- Our fee is based upon one-time single-use rights, with all rights reverting back to us after six months. This allow us to re-sell the same images to other non-competing magazines. 
Note 2 - Photo buyer shall detail meaning of requested exclusive rights (i.e. for a specific time period or indefinitely, for a specific use, etc.)
Note 3 - We can negotiate what is known as "reprint" (which actually means second, or third, or fourth, etc. right). Typically reprint right extension is an additional fee calculated as a percentage of the indicated fee.

There are specific prohibitions in our license against "resale" of the images. 
Moreover imagery is not licensed for use in a downloadable or FTP format.

No Adult and Property releases are supplied for all images. Although our subjects are such that no Adult neither Property Release is necessary, anyhow it is the responsibility of  the image buyer to ensure all images have any relevant releases that might be required.

We request that credit to photographer shall appear adjacent to the images or on an obvious credits page or screen. 

Complete legal relationship with Traveller Dreams is governed by our standard  End User License Agreement.

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