Surrounded by a high wall enclosure on the eastern embankment of the Bindusagara near the Lingaraja, Ananta Vasudeva temple is the only temple dedicated to Vishnu in the Saivaite Bhubaneswar.
The presiding deities are Lord Jagannath (Krishna), Balarama his brother and Subhadra their sister.
Ananta Vasudeva |

The temple (xiii c. A.D ) is built on a decorated platform, the natamandapa and the bhogamondapa were added in later times in a harmonious alignment with the deul and jagamohana.
Ananta Vasudeva
The northern wall of the temple has turned blackish due to smoke of the temple kitchen where the Brahmins prepare rice.
The 18 meters high deul is decorated with bho motifs. In an aedicule of the deul a chlorite image of Vishnu in boar form (varaha).
Ananta Vasudeva |
