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The small village of Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh MP, Chattarpur district) is known over the world for the architecture and sculpture of its ornate temple among the most besutiful medieval monuments in the country.
Khajuraho has been declared a world heritage site by UNESCO.
Built during the the x-xii c., still mentioned in the the travel chronicles of Ibn Batuta (AD 1335) this great temple complex was built under the patronage of the Chandella dynasty ruling the region from the tenth century on. Khajuraho was the capital of their kingdome. By the time the Chandela dynasty vanished the area sunk into oblivion and the temples remained in ruins protected for centuries by the depths of the forests of the hinterlands of central India; till when they were rediscovered, during the British period, during an archaeological finding conducted in 1923.
Traced as descendants of the Moon God, the head of the Chandela clan is believed to have been a warrior who fought lions bare-handed (hence the emblem, frequently seen at the temples). According to the account of the poet Khajuraho was built by the son of Moon God and a mortal girl Chandravarman. He was brave and strong like his father and achieved a series of brilliant military victories and at his mother's request he began the building of 85 glorious temples with lakes and gardens.
Khajuraho |

Of the 85 temples believed to have been built, only 22 have survived, many in splendid condition. A few of them are dedicated to Jain pantheon while the rest are Brahmanical dedicated to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and various Devi forms.
Today worship only goes on in the Matangeswara Shiva temple, with a 2.3 m shivalinga, in the west group and Shantinath Jain temple in the east group.
The temples of Khajuraho have been grouped into three sections: West, East and South. The shrines built by royalty and the aristocracy are situated in the western area near the Sibsagar lake (this may refer to the importance of water in the Hindu ritual ceremonial), while to the east of the village ate those erected by the Jain merchants.
Western group
The Visvanatha temple (1002) dedicated to Shiva. A series of steps leads to the raised terrace, with statues of lions and elephants. The temple consists of a five rooms sanctuary enshrining a lingam. The outer walls are adorned by 3 sculptural bands and the representation of the ‘seven mothers’ (saptamattrikas) with Ganesha on one end. Only 2 smaller shrines are still standing of the 4 that surrounded the temple. In front of the temple the Nandi mandap that enshrines a massive statue of Nandi.
Just to the south of Visvanatha temple the restored Parvati temple, it has an image of the goddess Gauri represented on a iguana. Near the Parvati temple a conspicuous new temple (xix c.) of little interest.
The Lakshmana temple (930-950 AD) dedicated to Lakshmi. Two sculptured bands are around the temple with figures of apsara and various erotic scenes. To the inside some splendid samples of apsara. Around the temple platform (jagati) a frieze with scenes of battles, hunting, religious processions and a wild orgy. The sanctum enshrines a three-headed Visnhu (Vaikuntha) with the heads of his avatars Narasimha (lion) and Varaha (boar). This is the only temple which preserves intact all the four subsidiary shrines plus a fifth one facing the entrance, locally called Devi temple.
In front of the Lakshmana Temple the Varaha Temple with a colossal monolith representing Varaha the incarnation (avatar) of Vishnu in the form of the wild boar, with carefully graven representation of the gods and goddesses (900 AD).
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On a common base the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple dedicated to Shiva is the biggest structure of Khajuraho. Built between 1025 and 1050, it constitutes the maximum example of the art of the Chandelas. With the typical plant in five rooms, the main sikkara reaches the 31 m of height. The basement has beautiful figures and notable carvings.
The small Mahadeva Temple dedicated to Shiva rises on the same base. It shows the famous figure of sardula.
Jagadambi temple, the third temple on the common base, has a three rooms plan. Originally devoted to Vishnu, afterwards it passed to the cult of Parvati. The two inferior friezes are representations of sura-sundaris and erotic couples.
Isolated with respect to the base Chitragupta Temple is devoted to Surya the god of the sun. It has representations of processions, dancing young girls, fights of elephants and scenes of hunting. In the sacred room Surya can be admired at the guide of his chariot hauled by seven horses, while the central niche of the southern façade accommodates a statue of Vishnu with eleven heads one of itself plus all its incarnations.
The Eastern group
The Jain complex of Shantinath, Parsvanatha and Adinatha temples.
Parsvanatha great jainist temple dedicated to the 23d tirthankara (sage) Parshvanath, one of the most beautiful temple for the architectural perfection and for the beauty of the sculptures. The classical image of a young girl that removes a thorn from from the foot and that of another that make ups her eyes.
Adinatha temple of smaller dimensions inside the sacred room a black image is kept.
Shantinatha temple, a pilgrimage place for Jainist as it keeps a 4,5 m statue of Shantinath the sixteenth Jain Tirthankara (sage), graven probably in 1028.
Outside the Jain complex there is a small museum with some interesting statues of Jainist Prophets.
Going out of the site towards the village of Khajuraho, the ruins of Ghantai Jainist small temple. Only the columns remain of the original building, but of notable interest is the frieze with the 16 dreams of Mahavira's mother and a multi-armed Jain goddess riding on a winged Garuda.
Crossing the village, a typical Indian small center, the Javari temple is reached (1075 -1100 AD). Devoted to Vishnu, it is a particularly refined example of Khajuraho architecture. On the outside a lot of classical female figures.
Further north the Vamana temple with the simple sikkara, the temple is devoted to Vamana the darf form of Visnhu.
Brahma temple one of the most ancient temple of Khajuraho, the temple is devoted to Vishnu.
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The Southern group
Chaturbhuja temple tall in proportion to its length, in the garbhagriha it contains a 2.7 m high statue of Vishnu.
Duladeo Temple among the last to be built at Khajuraho the temple is decorated with carvings of Shiva and his consort Parvati, many in erotic poses.