The Siq Al-Barid or Little Petra is located, only a 10 minute drive away to the north of Petra. A classical temple guards the entrance of the narrow miniature siq, only some 350 m long, crammed with tombs. Likely this was an important suburb of the main city, along the ancient caravan route linking Wadi Araba with the Mediterranean coast. Of particular note a triclinium with the remains of a painted frescoes with mythological scenes (1st century AD).
Little Petra
From little Petra it is possible to enter the main site at the northern entrance close to the village where the Petra Bedouins have been settled. From here a surfaced road follows the Wadi Abu Ullaiqa passing by the Turkmanian Tomb, famous for the Nabataean inscription of the 1st century AD dedicated to Dusharah, the remains of the North Wall of the city with the ruins of a circular tower of the Roman period. Continuing toward the low city following the slopes of al-Muaysrah hill with numerous rock-cut graves finally we reach the Qasr al-Bint.
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The path to the High Place of Sacrifice begins behind the Qasr al-Bint, the clear track leads south-east up the hillside to the solitary standing column known as "Pharaoh's Shaft". Past an excavated Nabataean villa with views of Umm al Blyara hill, with several rock-cut tombs, the path crosses the floor of the Wadi Farasa and reaches the base of Jabal al-Madhbah.
Now the path, part of the original Nabataean processional way, passes many tombs and cave houses and lead us to the Broken Pediment Tomb and, little after, to the Renaissance Tomb. After a short distance we reach the Roman Solider Tomb and the Triclinium opposite to it. Built after the Roman annexation of 106 AD originally the complex was joined by a porticoed courtyard and it is considered one of the best example of a Nabataean sepulchral complex. The triclinium, without façade, is notable for the interior decoration with carved half-columns. The track continues to the Garden Temple, a monument with two engaged and two free-standing columns, rarely found in Petra. The open area to the front is believed to have been a garden. From here a steep, winding staircase carved into the rock climbs the Gebel Attuf passing by the Lion Fountain an altar cut into the rock.
As one reaches the top the most immediately obvious monuments are the two 7 m high rock carved obelisks standing some 30 m apart and probably representing the Nabataean gods Dushara and Al-Uzza. The sacred area of the High Place of Sacrifice is a courtyard with benches (triclinia) on three sides facing the altar platform, where animal sacrifices were made. A betyle probably once stood on the top of the altar. On the west side, on a wide platform a podium is preceded by three steps: is the shrine of a betyle. A nearby cistern would have provided the water necessary to the ritual.
From here a steep rock cut stair case led ud to the Roman theatre and to the Siq.
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