Beautifully conceived and executed, the Museo de la Cultura Maya of Chetumal is organized into three levels, mirroring Maya cosmology. The main floor represents this world, the upper floor the heavens, and the lower floor Xibalbá, the underworld. The various exhibits (labeled in Spanish and English) cover all of the Mayab (lands of the Maya), not just Quintana Roo or Mexico, and seek to explain the Maya way of life, thoughts and beliefs. Set below plexiglas you can walk over scale models show the great Maya temple complex, as they may have appeared in their times.
Chetumal |

Though artifacts are in short supply there are replicas of stele and a burial chamber from Copán, Honduras, reproductions of the murals found in Room 1 at Bonampak and much more. Computer displays graphically illustrate the Maya’s complex calendric, numerical and writing systems.