Corsica, a unique wildly beautiful Mediterranean island set well apart from Europe, is covered with tracks traditionally used by packhorses, shepherds and bandits, never far from the glittering blue sea. Possessing one of the most diverse landscapes in Europe, Corsica has a spectacular Mediterranean coastlines scented with rich Mediterranean maquis, crescent bays with secluded and deserted beaches of the finest sand and beautiful stretches of coast with rocks of marvellous colour.
There are wonderful walking on coastal paths.
The Sentier des Douaniers
One of the finest round the top of Cap Corse. You can set off from Macinaggio on the east coast and head for the charming small port of Barcaggio There's lots to see en route, not least four Genoese towers and great views of Elba.
Sentier des Douaniers
The nature reserve of the Revellata peninsula just south of Calvi
Revellata Peninsula |

Gulf of Girolata
Lying on the central western coast of Corsica the Gulf of Girolata is part of the Natural World Heritage Sites Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto.
Strictly protected in order to return the area to its natural state, this nature reserve occupies the Scandola peninsula and includes the massif of Cinto and the valley of Fango river. The peninsula of Scandola is an impressive porphyritic rock mass. The jagged and sheer cliffs contain many grottos and are flanked by numerous stacks and almost inaccessible islets and coves. The coastline is also noted for its red cliffs, some 900 m high, sand beaches, and headlands.
Located in the heart of the maritime section of the park, the protected sea front provides an outstanding example of the Mediterranean maquis vegetation, once dominant throughout the Mediterranean region and now in most other areas severely degraded. The Mediterranean maquis vegetation in certain places is replaced by arborescent Euphorbia and Oaks. The site has a rich marine fauna and is a key site for species such as osprey and bearded vultures.
The several small villages or hamlets within the site has been abandoned as well as many of the agricultural terraces surrounding the villages have also been abandoned
Gulf of Girolata